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Download comprehensive meta analysis

download comprehensive meta analysis

The first COVID-19 case was identified in New Zealand in late February 2020, and case numbers rose rapidly in the following month (Figure 1). These actions include applying a “tight suppression” strategy rapidly closing the remaining immunity gaps strengthening public health and social measures, including contact tracing, border management and mask use and adapting the primary care and hospital system to safely manage large numbers of people presenting with illness from COVID-19. These principles support critical actions to get Aotearoa New Zealand through the next phase of the pandemic in the best possible shape from a combined health, equity, wellbeing and economic perspective. We argue that the response should continue to be shaped by key principles: notably, science-informed strategic leadership a Tiriti and equity focus use of the precautionary principle and the need to create legacy benefits for our healthcare and public health systems. This is a critical stage in managing the pandemic, with major uncertainties and difficult trade-offs.

  • Creative Commons BY-NC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.In this editorial, we consider the implications of the New Zealand Government’s shift away from a national COVID-19 elimination strategy.
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
  • Fonds de la Recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS).
  • Calcul Québec and Compute Canada as well as the funding from CANARIE.
  • "MetaboAnalyst 5.0: narrowing the gap between raw spectra and functional insights." Nucleic acids research (2021).
  • Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
  • All items in are protected by copyright with all rights reserved unless otherwise indicated.
  • MetaboAnalyst 5.0 is freely available at. At the end of an analysis session, users can now easily switch to other compatible modules for a more streamlined data analysis. The web interface, graphics and underlying codebase have also been refactored to improve performance and user experience. There are many other new functions including weighted joint-pathway analysis, data-driven network analysis, batch effect correction, merging technical replicates, improved compound name matching, etc. Three modules have been developed to help achieve this goal, including: (i) a LC–MS Spectra Processing module which offers an easy-to-use pipeline that can perform automated parameter optimization and resumable analysis to significantly lower the barriers to LC-MS1 spectra processing (ii) a Functional Analysis module which expands the previous MS Peaks to Pathways module to allow users to intuitively select any peak groups of interest and evaluate their enrichment of potential functions as defined by metabolic pathways and metabolite sets (iii) a Functional Meta-Analysis module to combine multiple global metabolomics datasets obtained under complementary conditions or from similar studies to arrive at comprehensive functional insights. Here we introduce MetaboAnalyst version 5.0, aiming to narrow the gap from raw data to functional insights for global metabolomics based on high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS).
  • Since its first release over a decade ago, the MetaboAnalyst web-based platform has become widely used for comprehensive metabolomics data analysis and interpretation.

  • Download comprehensive meta analysis